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Ballymena Lawn Tennis Club

BLTC Senior Christmas Get Together!

16th Dec 2023

For two hours today BLTC got into the Christmas spirit with our Christmas Get Together.

Between 11-1 senior members played friendly doubles matches followed by Christmas Treats, with players competing from aged 15 +

The courts were full for the duration with 25 members participating in matches, while other members joined for the refreshments and chat with friends.

We had delicious mulled wine made by Janice, and an assortment of other soft drinks while having an abundance of food. It ranged from glorious mince pies with cream, chocolate logs, brownies, lemon drizzle cake, cheese boards, crisps, the list was endless!

Our members thoroughly enjoyed themselves with plans already underway for our next social gathering.

Club chairman, Nick Cumming and Director of Coaching Barry Clarke used the morning to also give Alan Kennedy his awards for his League Endeavour Performance and Men’s Evergreen Singles performance. While he also won the evergreen doubles with partner Peter Dickey.

Some of the comments below regarding today’s activities highlight the community ethos which BLTC so proudly promotes.

“Thanks everyone for organising, a enjoyable get together”

‘Brilliant morning and great to see so many people playing and dropping in for a chat...Great mulled wine Janice and thanks Barry for organising..”

‘Yes, thanks for organising- nice to chat to people I hadn’t met before. A great bunch!!!”