Access Keys:

Ballymena Lawn Tennis Club

Green Stage


The ball used in the Green stage has a higher compression than the Red and Orange stages (75% of a yellow tennis ball) and children play on a full-size court.

Green Ball Stage Main Competencies

  • react quickly and adapt footwork and movement patterns
  • place the serve in different locations in the service box
  • rally with varying height over the net, depth, speed and spin
  • hit attacking balls or use defensive skills as required in a rally
  • volley the ball in front of the body while moving forward and also hit a drive volley and overhead smash to different locations
  • identify own game style and strengths and weaknesses
  • play honestly and fairly and show good sportsmanship
22nd Apr 2024
At the start of our lessons this week, we got the chance to use our new club equipment. Between...
13th Apr 2024
This Weekend our Green, Yellow and Performance players started term 1 of the 24/25...