Directions and Contact Details
89 Galgorm Road, Ballymena, BT42 1AJ
Here are directions on entry to the tennis club - which is on the grounds of Ballymena Academy.
Go up the main school drive and take the first exit on your right. Keep going up the drive to your right, where you will first pass two mobile huts and a large tin building. As you continue on past these you will then come to the first hockey pitch, continue on past this. You will then come to the end of the drive, where you have the options. Just simply keep driving straight where you will see a second hockey pitch on your right. Move over to where this pitch is. You will see the tennis courts up on the height, continue forwards and to the drivers left there will be a drive up to the tennis car park. There will be ample car parking for our members and any designated drivers.
If needing any further assistance message the club director of coaching (Barry Clarke) - Details can be found below.