
The Club has the following facilities at their disposal:-
- 5 Floodlit courts with floodlights (Courts have assigned match scoring cards)
- A Club Equipment Box, with all balls and tennis related equipment, for both social and performance players.
- Ballymena Academy provides us with facilities for our social events, which include the sixth form centre and toilets
- Toilets are open on request
- BLTC members provide their own cutlery and refreshment equipment for special events.
The courts are opened by the Barry Clarke (Director of Coaching) and Mary Goodwin (Club Treasurer). If the sixth form centre is being used, this is opened and closed by the Director of Coaching.
During all other times the courts and facilities are kept locked for security reasons.
The courts and toilets can only be opened by the Barry Clarke (Director of Coaching) and Mary
Goodwin (Club Treasurer). If the sixth form centre is being used, this is opened and closed by a Ballymena Academy Representative.
During all other times the courts and facilities are kept locked for security reasons.
The floodlights are opened and closed by a member of the management Committee, either Barry Clarke or Mary Goodwin. These are the only members who are allowed access to the keys for the light box. The light box will be opened at the beginning of each club session and if not turned on, members can switch the lights on. Floodlights can be operated all year round.